Take a half to one teaspoon of D-mannose in no more than half of a glass of water. Then wait for about 45 mins to an hour. After that, drink plenty of water. Once the D-mannose has been absorbed into the bloodstream and flushed through the kidneys, this will concentrate the D-mannose in your urine allowing it to bind to the UPEC bacteria. Continue this every two to three hours for up to five days.
Only use D-mannose at the very beginning of symptoms. If symptoms have not diminished or completely disappeared after a short period, do not wait any longer and go to the doctor. A full-blown UTI might benefit from D-Mannose supplementation, but there is a risk that bacteria are growing at a faster rate than can be cleared through D-mannose especially if the bacteria are resistant to it. Remember, D-mannose only works for UTIs caused by E. coli bacteria. A delay in seeking treatment if symptoms worsen or do not significantly improve can result in worsening the infection leading to possible kidney infection or at worse sepsis.
If antibiotics are prescribed, supplementing with D-mannose could be an option to speed up recovery, but do not stop the antibiotic treatment to switch to D-mannose. A course of antibiotics should always be completed unless side effects are experienced and a medical professional advises cessation.
Some find it beneficial to follow up a flare up or acute attack by taking a preventive D-mannose dose daily. This is usually one teaspoon 2-3 times daily. Consider taking D-mannose every time you think your vaginal flora or immune system are compromised (with the first signs of a yeast infection, after sex, illness etc.).
Take the DM away from any acidic food or drink as it will counteract its effects and the urine must be kept alkaline. This includes the use of Hiprex, a urinary antiseptic which is activated when urine is very concentrated and acidic. Gram-negative bacteria such as e coli reproduce more slowly in an alkaline environment allowing for the potential of greater attachment to the D-mannose molecules in your urine.
Initial usage of D-mannose can lead to loose stools for a few days. If diarrhoea continues, consult with your specialist as to continued usage. Users also report gas and bloating as other side effects. It may potentially exacerbate symptoms for those with small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO). If this applies to you consider adjusting your dosage or discuss its usage with your consultant.