Fluconazole tablets can be purchased over the counter in any pharmacy or prescribed by the GP. They can be taken either as a single dose or for longer under the guidance of a GP or physician.
Prescription oral anti fungal medication
Both Fluconazole and Itraconazole can be prescribed. Be aware that these medications are contra-indicated against Warfarin and should not be taken if using statins, antibiotics classed as macrolides, SSRI antidepressants or medications for irregular heart beat. Always discuss existing medications, possible contra-indications, recommended dosage and length of usage with your practitioner or GP.
If taking oral fungal medications, it is recommended that liver function is checked regularly via a GP blood test. This is particularly important for those taking oral medications for longer than four weeks. Oral anti-fungals can affect liver function.
Be aware that oral fungal medications work best in an acidic environment so if taking protein pump inhibitors (PPIs) for excess stomach acid, antacids or other stomach acid reducing medications, take oral fungal medications well away from these.
Nystatin powder
Another alternative treatment is to take Nystatin powder, this is usually prescribed by a doctor and can be taken orally if suffering systemic candida issues alongside vaginal candidasis. Note that Nystatin Powder is not suitable for the treatment of vaginal thrush.