Your type of period sanitary protection can make things worse

Human blood is comparatively alkaline, with a pH of around 7.35 – 7.45. During menstruation, the presence of blood in the vagina raises the vaginal pH above normal, disrupting the usual environment, and favouring the growth of Candida. With tampons resting in the vaginal tract and no immediate outlet for the menstrual flow, for some this can alter PH levels leading to an upsurge of candida or bacterial vaginosis during or shortly after menstruation has finished. Tampons can also be drying on the vaginal tract.

Try using unscented sanitary towels as the bleach, scent and plastic in most high street and brand name sanitary towels can irritate vulval and vaginal tissue for some people. The following are recommended:


Time of the Month

Alternatively Boots and Sainsbury’s in the UK sell their own branded sanitary protection that is unscented. These products are much cheaper than Natracare or Time of the Month but they are still bleached and contain plastics. However the major irritant – the scent – has been removed.

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